The Jefferson Discussion Group of Orlando


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The Thomas Jefferson Discussion Group
of Orlando, Florida

Meeting No. 30 - October 22, 2003
Holiday House Restaurant, Orlando, Florida


Thomas Jefferson turned the world upside down and shook it when he proclaimed the importance of the individual and an individual's rights over the interests of the state. He had the audacity to suggest that the purpose of government is to serve, not to be served. Our nation was tested against this principle over and over in its youth, not the least of which was the so called X, Y, Z affair. John Adams was President and Thomas Jefferson Vice President.

A war between England and France was raging. Even though we proclaimed neutrality, U.S. sailors were being kidnapped from American ships by both combatants and forced to fight for their respective causes. The recently passed Jay Treaty showed clear U.S. Government preference to the English. Jefferson was a Francophile. Not only had the French helped us immeasurably in our struggle for independence against England, but Jefferson became enamored of their culture during his stay as Minister to France (and, their own struggle for individual rights ­ he helped Lafayette write the French version of a declaration of independence from the power of King Louis XVI) Adams sent three representatives to negotiate a treaty with France (one of whom was the soon to be Supreme Court Chief Justice and ironically, Jefferson¹s second cousin: John Marshall). Our nation was split between those supporting the English and those supporting the French.

What followed was the X, Y, Z Affair, the Alien & Sedition Acts, the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions and what came close to a dissolution of the United States of America ­ over human rights versus the defense of the country. Sound familiar? It seems the more things change, the more they stay the same!

Wednesday night we'll discuss what side of the following issues we think Mr. Jefferson would come down on:

  1. The Patriot Act
  2. The Terry Schiavo euthanasia case (euthanasia defined as: The act or practice of ending the life of an individual suffering from a terminal illness or an incurable condition, as by lethal injection or the suspension of extraordinary medical treatment.)


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