The Jefferson Discussion Group of Orlando


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The Thomas Jefferson Discussion Group
of Orlando, Florida

Meeting No. 10 - February 2002
Chapters Bookstore, Orlando, Florida


A discussion of Mr. Jefferson's long struggle between logic and emotion. The genius stoic achiever vs. the man with a deeply buried bundle of feelings.

Some suggested discussion points:

  1. Burning all the letters between Martha and himself after her death. (He didn't want us to know this part of his emotional side.) Compare John Adams.
  2. Compare to the beautiful letters to his children he wanted us to have. The love expressed between a father and his children was okay.
  3. The "head and heart" letter itself - a way to document his manhood and the conflicts he experienced and/or a clever way to admit to this without going to far (an academic exercise!) - also, perhaps, comment on Sally and the guilt he felt in an oblique fashion.
  4. He seemed to often use his genius as a fortress to protect himself from being confronted with dealing with emotion - at least outwardly. And when falling victim to natural urges (sex, pride/ego/vanity), dealing with them quickly, analytically and moving on (so much work to do - seeds to plant, mould boards to invent, Indians to understand, colleges to design, freedom to define).


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